
August 15, 2023

We started new positions at Auburn University’s School of Architecture, Planning, and Landscape Architecture!

July 15, 2023

The New Americans’ Pavilion at Salt City Harvest Farm is complete and the off-grid cold storage system is fully operational! According to SCHF’s latest annual report, farm productivity is up 650% since the pavilion’s construction. Big thanks to all our collaborators for sticking with this project for the last three years!

March 16, 2023

We received a Merit Award from the AIA New York State for Waterwheelhouse in the category Unbuilt Work by an Emerging Architect - many thanks to the jury and congratulations to all the winners!

July 22, 2021

The rooftop 4.8kW photovoltaic array is nearly complete, courtesy of Hofmeyer Consulting!

July 12, 2021

With the framing complete, we have moved on to exterior sheathing and housewrap!

June 30, 2021

ASDF wins Best of Practice award from The Architect’s Newspaper! We were the sole winner in the category of New Firm in the Northeast Region. Many thanks to the jury and congratulations to all the winners!

June 21, 2021

Construction of the cold-storage enclosure is well underway, with the help of student assistants Shaan Lakshmanan and Jerry Yan. Shaan and Jerry are funded to work on the project this summer with a SOURCE Grant through Syracuse University. It is a great learning opportunity for them to get hands-on experience in design and construction.

May 17, 2021

The roof is complete at the farm. Construction of the cold-storage enclosure will start at the beginning of June, followed by the PV array and electrical system later in the summer.

April 26, 2021

Lateral bracing beams are installed, completing the structural frame. Roofing comes next later this week.

April 17, 2021

Syracuse Architecture first-year students toured Salt City Harvest Farm and the New Americans’ Pavilion with Farm Manager Jacob Gigler-Caro.

April 15, 2021

Lots of progress on secondary framing today! Purlins will go on tomorrow if the weather cooperates.

April 14, 2021

Primary framing started today at Salt City Harvest Farm and is progressing quickly!

January 8, 2021

The concrete slab on grade is complete at Salt City Harvest Farm in Kirkville, ready for the wood framing to commence.

SCHF Construction Progress - Complete Slab.jpg

August 28, 2020

New Americans’ Pavilion broke ground today at Salt City Harvest Farm in Kirkville, NY. The 12 pre-cast concrete footings were lowered into the ground one by one.

Photo Aug 29, 6 11 56 PM.jpg
Photo Aug 28, 4 02 47 PM.jpg
Photo Aug 29, 12 13 07 PM.jpg