Veterans’ Supportive Housing | Eastwood American Legion | Syracuse, NY
The American Legion in the Eastwood neighborhood of Syracuse is seeking to re-utilize its large headquarters building as supportive housing for local veterans. They hired ASDF to explore the renovation of the existing building as well as a 2,000 square foot addition to the north side. Our design proposal includes 25 new bedrooms as well as 4 new shared bathrooms, common kitchen, computer lab, and 12 offices for supportive staff and social workers. Placing supportive offices in the addition on the north side of the building created two challenges: first the addition faces James Street, a busy thoroughfare. The Legion was therefore concerned with veterans’ privacy during sensitive counseling sessions. Second, the north side of the building receives relatively little daylight. The design of the building facade endeavors to mitigate these concerns with fixed reflective louvers that are computationally optimized to increase daylight in north-facing rooms by up to 50% in mornings and evenings. The louvers also improve interior privacy while maintaining oblique views to the exterior for supportive staff.
Existing conditions with area of proposed addition highlighted
Project Data:
Client: American Legion, Eastwood
Status: Unbuilt
Program: Supportive housing
Team: David Shanks, Matthew DiRado (intern), Yücel Güven (intern)